Saturday, August 20, 2016

Matthew 6:19-24

Matthew 6:19-24 NIV

"Do not store up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moths and vermin destroy, and where thieves break in and steal. But store up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where moths and vermin do not destroy, and where thieves do not break in and steal. For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also. 
The eye is the lamp of the body. If your eyes are healthy, your whole body will be full of light. But if your eyes are unhealthy, your whole body will be full of darkness. If then the light within you is darkness, how great is that darkness!
No one can serve two masters. Either you will hate the one and love the other, or you will be devoted to the one and despise the other. You cannot serve both God and money."


Ah yes, the money message! Loads of church attendees have been turned off by messages from the pulpit urging the giving of money. I've heard more than once someone grumble, "All they ever talk about is money." I wonder if the disciples gathered around Jesus had similar reactions? Why do people tend to despise sermons about money. I know some pastors who are timid about the whole subject. They hate it when the annual stewardship sermons come around in their preaching schedule. What is it with this topic that makes it so difficult? Perhaps Jesus can shed some light.

The Lord begins the subject on money by comparing the amassing of earthly wealth to eternal riches. Earthly wealth is vulnerable to decay and theft. A nice car eventually becomes a worn out car. A luxury home requires maintenance just like any other. Roofs eventually leak. Windows crack. Tree waste builds up in the gutters. Carpets need replacing. And of course the more one lives in luxury, the more a thief wants to steal what you have. The 2008 market crash, a result of incredible greed on the part of our banking system, emptied out pensions, made millions jobless and homeless, and brought national economies around the world to lows like the Great Depression. Yes, earthly wealth is vulnerable. As they say, "You can't take it with you."

What is the alternative? Choose poverty like Francis of Assisi? Jesus spoke of wealth a number of times in the gospels. Did you realize that you will find about 800 verses that deal with money in the Bible? Jesus talked about money more than He did Heaven and Hell combined. He talked about money more than anything else except the Kingdom of God. 11 of 39 parables talk about money. 1 of every 7 verses in the Gospel of Luke talks about money. Why might that be? I think it's because Jesus knew that money is like a god to us. Wealth is an idol of sorts. And God's first commandment of the Big Ten is to have no other gods to pursue but Yahweh, The Lord who delivers us.

Jesus says, "You cannot serve God and money." How is it that one would serve money? I used the word pursue earlier in reference to idolatry. Jesus said that our hearts will be where our treasure lies. Serving God is a matter of the heart, wouldn't you agree? The heart is about passion. What are you passionate about? Some will say without blinking, "Making money!" Wall Street is all about making money through trading investments. Our financial industry is built on the desire to amass more and more money. If you were asked what are you passionate about, would your first thought be Jesus?

I have many passions. I love rock music. I love Hollywood films, especially sci-fi and historical drama. I love my family. I love my wife. I love traveling and taking in the natural beauty of this world. I love the sun! I have many loves. If I look at how I spend my time and money I can see that charity and giving is much lower than my spending on home, cars and entertainment. I spend my non-working hours relaxing and enjoying these things. I place more posts on Facebook about music and movies than I do about matters of faith. I've got some adjustments to make if my time and spending are going to reflect my truest passion.

But it just occurred to me that with God, a little goes a long way. Why is that? How can an hour or two on Sunday and fifteen minutes each morning make a bigger impact on my life than the hours and hours I spend watching movies and series? How can a 20 minute sermon speak to me all week when the lyrics of beloved music continually plays in the jukebox in my head? I think the answer is that time spent with God and for God gives us a hint of what true treasures lie with Him. What God gives is eternal and cannot be taken away. We can spurn His gifts and waste them on frivolity, but heavenly treasures do not depreciate in value over time like earthly things. Even I get tired of State Wars and need to move on to something else. When I spend time with God I receive life. And the life stuff comes from no other source. I might get a charge anticipating the new Star Wars movie coming in December, but in my heart I know that the experience will bring only short-lived joy. But with God there is abundant life, everlasting and eternal.

When I really think about it, why don't I spend more time serving the Lifegiver? What is it that I am pursuing with my life? Where does my treasure and my heart lie?

My treasure and heart lie where my eyes are set. If the eyes of my heart are not set upon Jesus, then I am a fool worshipping worthless idols who cannot give life nor rescue me from death... or depreciation. Healthy eyes are looking upon the Lord and bringing light and life to the body. Unhealthy eyes are looking for life in all the wrong places.

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