Monday, June 20, 2016

Matthew 5:3

Matthew 5:3 NIV

“Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.

A lot of people have written on the subject of the Beattitudes in Jesus' opening to His amazing Sermon On The Mount. I'm not likely to share anything new, but I will simply reflect on the question, "What does poor in spirit mean for me?" 

I'm not poor in finances. Americans live far above third world subsistence living. Although I'm not rich compared to many of my fellow citizens, I'm still part of the shrinking middle class. So I can't credibly comment on what it's like to be poor.

Matthew makes poverty a spiritual issue, not an economic one. Poverty is living without certain means. Poverty means surviving not thriving. It means you are focused on getting through the day alive by scrounging for your basic needs, like shelter, food, and water.

What are my basic needs, spiritually speaking? I think they are similar to physical needs. I need to know that I am safe and secure. The psalms speak of taking refuge in God as our fortress or strong tower, to take shelter in the shadow of His wings. In the same way I need to continually reassure my soul that God is in control, that God is good, and that He works all things together for good, for those who love Him and seek to serve His redemptive purpose in the world. Often the fear of the moment generally works itself out in time, so my panic is unfounded and illogical. Later in the Sermon on the Mount, Jesus will remind His followers not to worry, but to seek God's Kingdom and righteousness. All else will be provided. God knows what we need.

I need nourishment for my soul. Encountering the word of God feeds me spiritually. Give us today our daily bread! I search the scriptures, less for information and more for inspiration. God's breath gives me energy for living, like food does for my body.

And I need renewal. Water is vital for life. Without it we diminish and die. Jesus promised that all who come to Him will never thirst again because He would give them the water of life. The Holy Spirit, He said, would well up inside of us overflowing to eternal life! Daily prayer, the Lord's Supper, baptismal renewal, and other means of grace fill me and refill me with the Holy Spirit. My soul's thirst is refreshed and I am renewed.

I think to be poor in spirit means to daily reach for these vital necessities through study, prayer, and the many means of grace, like helping others with the love of God. I recognize I don't own God's grace. I cannot put it in a bank and live off the interest. I can't even purchase grace or work to earn it. I can only receive grace freely given, when I open myself to seeking the kingdom within me and around me.

Some days I'm dirt poor in spirit, and I'm blessed because I know where to go, and to whom, in order to find sustenance.

Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven! Indeed. Amen.

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